Hi Welcome to Rev Up for the Week, where every Sunday I give you something positive or productive for the week ahead. This week I want to talk about your to-do list. Is everything you’ve written there (or typed in there), actually a thing that you can do? Or are some of those things simply ‘nags’? Nags are the little thoughts we all have, that say things like: “Oh, I must do something about that!” “toilet roll. We need more toilet roll” “appraisals!” “MUM!” “ugh… the accounts” They can be big things, they can be small things. Often they’re the same thing over and over again – we keep having the thought, we keep doing absolutely nothing about it. And then we get smart. We write the nag down. We add it to our to-do list. "Hurrah!", we think to ourselves… "Now I'm organised!". Wrong. Nags should not be on your to-do list at all. When they are, it means that every time you look at your list, you have no momentum and are likely to get stuck. You look at your list and your brain says "What do you expect me to do with that?!" You can’t do a nag. You can only do actions. The trick is to convert the nags into the two things we really need to get things moving:
So, “accounts” becomes a project to finalise the accounts by the middle of April, and a next physical action of having a conversation with your colleague to go through the process and agree the timeline. “Appraisals” becomes four separate projects, to finalise the appraisals for each of your direct reports, with a next physical action for each. And “mum!” becomes “call my sister to talk about mum’s birthday weekend” and a project to celebrate her big milestone with as much love as possible. Our brains are lazy. They think in nags, not next physical actions or desired project outcomes. But when we just learn to think just a little more – and a little more clearly – about each thing we’re working on, we quickly find that procrastination is harder, and productivity is easier. So back to your to-do list…
Have a great week, Graham PS – there are still a few places left on my 6 Weeks to Ninja programme that starts this Wednesday! So if you want to move from feeling overwhelmed to feeling like a Productivity Ninja, then you just have a couple of days left to take action. I only run this once a year, so now's the time. The tickets are here. Hope to see you on Wednesday. |
Join thousands of people starting their week on a positive note. Every Sunday afternoon, I send out an upbeat idea to set you up for the week ahead.
Hi Reader, Welcome to this week's Rev Up for the Week, where every Sunday at 4.05pm, I put something positive or productive in your inbox, ready for the week ahead. This week I want to talk about momentum. I've spent time with two clients this week whose work has felt like it has some real momentum behind it. After sticky patches and struggles, it's all systems go for them. And on our 6 Weeks to Ninja programme, I've been helping people get clearer on what they're working on, which in turn...
Hi Reader, Where are all the kind leaders? It's a good question. But .Turn off the TV for a moment. Stop scrolling. Think about the leaders you know. The community leaders. The teachers. The role models. The managers. The innovators. The bosses you've had who you you would do anything for because they had your back. The people trying their best to be as good as they can be, and doing the right thing . Look around you and most of what you'll see is your colleagues building trust and...
Hi Reader, A DJ friend of mine has a saying: “let’s all make mistakes!”. He goes out to play a DJ set, and over the course of the three hours, he counts them up. At the end of a typical set, he’s counted 7 or 8 times something screwed up. It’s annoying, sure, but he’s learnt not to be annoyed. The thing is, most of the stuff that screwed up, the crowd didn’t even notice: That time he forgot his favourite echo effect at the end of a song? No one knew it was supposed to be there, so no one...